Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Class Related Response (CRR)

So in A.P English we are just doing a lot. Today we just read some essays from the a.p test and graded them. You would think that an essay is good but the little details is what will determine if you will get a high or low grade. It's not about just what you say, it's also about how you say it (your diction). The last year a.p test was extremely hard and I didn't pass and I truly believe that if I take the a.p test this year I still wouldn't pass. Mainly focusing on the essay part I know I will do bad. I am not doubting myself I am speaking the truth. Comparing how I write to the essays that have a 9 on them shows that I need serious help.

We also got a project where every week someone presents and teaches the class about a poem. Poems can be so hard to analyze because once you have your analysis on what you think the poem is and then you do research on the poem, your analysis is completely different from the true analysis and it messes you up. I believe ancient poems are harder to analyze. Also these grammar rules be critical. Every time I think I do good they all come back saying revise like gosh. But I understand they are there to help us fix grammatical mistakes we have been making our whole life on where to put the apostrophe. Well that's all I have to say for now so bye see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. You may have a long way to go now, but you have almost a whole year to improve. I would like to know what you mean exactly when you say comparing your analysis to your research 'messes you up.'
