Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Diet

So to be honest no one understands this but I truly hate my body (mainly my stomach). I believe I'm fat and this is because I am overweight. After my surgery a few years ago everything changed especially my metabolism. Like if you knew me before 8th grade, you would know how thin I was. I started to give up because nothing was working. I try to work out but its like I need encouragement and motivation in order for me to keep going. I also feel like I need a work out buddy (well I don't feel like I do, I know I do). But one thing I am creating is my own diet. Its not going to be a simple diet, its going to take a lot of commitment and some creativity. One thing I do recommend for people who are trying to lose weight is organic green tea. This tea is healthy and helps speed up your metabolism and one place where I get it from is Teavana. This place also has a cool tea maker where you add leaves and hot water then you sit it on top of a cup and it makes tea for you (forgot the name of it). I will be buying it soon but for now I make my own tea.

But anyway I may try to become a pescetarian which is an omnivore who excludes poultry, beef, and pork from their diet but includes fish. This will be hard because I don't know if my mom will only buy me seafood since chicken is cheaper. I am also going to cut out a lot of things such as white rice, processed foods, sugar, and baked pastries (the hardest one). I will not however give up ice cream because that is my passion and I am addicted to it. I did start making detox tea and detox water but I have to buy more ingredients. Also as a snack in my house I would eat dried fruit and regular fresh fruit.

My goal is to fix what I don't like about myself so I can start being happy about myself and how I look. I need to start making time to work out in my home. I will be starting my diet next week because I need to get everything organized and together so good luck to me and I promise to be committed to it.
And please don't judge how I feel about myself I believe I am fat so yea you cant change my mind on what I see myself as.

P.S Off topic but my birthday was so fun and you guys made me feel so special. Thank you so much everyone <3
P.S.S If you want to know about my diet just ask me. 


  1. I think it's great that you're deciding to take on a healthy lifestyle. There is no better feeling, trust me. I wish you the best of luck! It'll be tough, take it from me, but it will be worth it!

  2. Me and you both, as long as you have a goal to loose weight you can do it. We should become gym partners or something because I want to loose weight as well.
